Boston City Councilor Waits for ‘Monster’ to be Caught During Lockdown
Gripped to media reports like the majority of Boston area residents is how Boston District 6 City Councilor Matt O’Malley is riding out the stay in shelter lockdown.
“I’m sitting in my living room since 6:20 a.m. this morning watching television, waiting, hoping and praying there’s no more innocent victims,” said O’Malley, who texted his staff early to let them know to stay home. He said he also received a robocall from NotifyBoston letting him know about the stay in shelter order while law officials search for one of the two bombing suspects.
He said he hasn’t received a briefing on the lockdown situation, and said he knows as much as anyone watching media reports.
O’Malley also took to Twitter for a little tweet beef with a state rep from Arkansas on gun control.
State Rep. Nate Bell, R-20, who tweeted last night: “I wonder how many Boston liberals spent the night cowering in their homes wishing they had an AR-15 with a hi-capacity magazine? #2A“
To which O’Malley (tweeted) and retorted today: “@NateBell4AR You are a moron.”
But the district councilor representing West Roxbury, Jamaica Plain, and a part of Roslindale, said his focus has been on the safety of people.
“Allston-Brighton was the first ‘shelter in place’ (area), then at the press conferene later in the morning it was the entire city of Boston,” said O’Malley. “So I checked in with friends and family making sure that everyone is safe.”
O’Malley said he believes federal, state, city and town police will catch the suspect. “It’s obviously very tense. Like everyone we’re watching television, watching media reports and hope this monster can be caught and and brought to justice.”
“Obviously, we’re all very concerned. We’re obviously worried and many of us know victims who are recovering. We know victims who were loss,” said O’Malley. “The three people who were killed, and the cop lost last night. Our city mourns, but we’re strong, we’re tough, we’re resolute – that’s why we’re the greatest city in the world.”