Legislation Filed to Make ‘Roadrunner’ State Rock Song
Massachusetts already has a state polka (“Say Hello to Someone from Massachusetts,” anybody?) and a state glee club song among its eight anthems, but the state that produced The Pixies, Aerosmith and The Cars is missing its own rock song.
But that could change soon. Rep. Martin Walsh (D-Dorchester) filed legislation last week to make “Roadrunner,” by The Modern Lovers the state rock song. In “Roadrunner,” Natick native Jonathan Richman croons about Stop & Shop, Route 128 and “the modern sounds of modern Massachusetts.”
And “Roadrunner” could be the only rock song that has the lyrics “I’m in love with Massachusetts.”
“This is about acknowledging an artist from Massachusetts who’s obviously had a very good career and one of his masterpieces outlines our Commonwealth. Why not recognize the people that have helped us become such a great place?” Walsh told the Boston Phoenix.
To drum up enthusiasm for the bill, Walsh and publicist Joyce Linehan, who came up with the idea of making “Roadrunner” the state rock song, started a Facebook page on which people could show their support. As of Tuesday afternoon, it had 1,318 “likes.”
After all, if Ohio and Oklahoma can rock their own rock songs, why can’t Massachusetts?
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