Marathon Victims Pushed to Meet One Fund Boston June 15 Deadline

One Fund Boston funds will go to help the Boston Marathon victims.

One Fund Boston administrator Kenneth Feinberger is urging Boston Marathon bombing victims to get claims in before the June 15 deadine.

“You would be amazed at how people in grief, with all sorts of uncertainty about their lives, don’t file. File at the last minute. File claim forms written in crayon,”Feinberg told the Boston Herald.

Funds are scheduled to start being distributed on June 30, with the three families who lost a loved one to receive around $ 1 million. 

Next, those who suffered double amputations or more would receive funds, then single amputees, then those who required an overnight hospital stay. The final protocol for dispersing funds can be viewed on the One Fund site.

Downloadable claim forms are available through the One Fund Boston website. Victims can read and download a Frequently Asked Questions section about One Fund Boston for filing claims.

Help with completing One Fund forms is available by calling 866-298-2951 or going to the One Fund Boston website

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