What’s Your Question about the South End?
Ever wonder why they named the square after that guy you never heard of? Or when that new restaurant is going to open? Let South End Patch find the answer for you. Each week, we will strive to find answers to those nagging questions you have about the neighborhood. You Ask, Patch Answers is a program designed to help you better understand where you live, even if it’s just the tiniest details. All you have to do is add your question to the comment section below. We’ll pick one of the submitted questions and get to work finding an answer for you, which we’ll publish the following week. See some previous questions and answers: South End Answers: When will the Arlington St. Street Lights Be Fixed? South End Answers: How Can I Get a Crosswalk On My Street? Which Cable Providers Service the South End? South End Answers: What’s Up with the Ice Melt This Year? Clarendon at Tremont Street Intersection: Too Dangerous? It’s that easy! Ask away. SOUTH END PATCH: Facebook | Twitter | E-mail Updates South End Patch