Outpatient Victims to Receive One Fund Boston Payments
Boston Marathon bombing victims being treated as outpatients at Boston-area hospitals are eligible to receive One Fund Boston payments. Claims are now being accepted through June 15, and money will start being handed out on June 30 on a rolling basis, according to One Fund Boston’s website. The final protocol and prioritization for victims was also released through the website. Individual death claims, double amputees and those who suffered permanent brain damage are the top priority. Previously, One Fund Boston administrator Kenneth Feinberg had estimated the families of the three victims who died from the bombings could receive $ 1 million. “Money is a pretty poor substitute,” Feinberg said at one of the Town Hall meetings held to discuss the protocol of how funds would be distributed. “Money is a pretty poor substitute of what you’re going through and what the people who are suffering are going through.” “Whatever we do with this fund is inadequate. Lower your expectations of this fund. If you had a billion you wouldn’t have enough money to … compensate people,” Feinberg said. “Damper your expectations.” And that’s with more than $ 30 million being raised so far, which will also be prioritized to go to individuals who suffered a single amputation. The third level of victims to receive priority payments include victims who required overnight hospitalization stays for one night or more. The fourth level for individuals who could possible receive One Fund Boston are those who were treated at Boston-area hospitals on an emergency outpatient basis. Claim forms and necessary documentation for claims can be downloaded at the One Fund Boston website. There are also other resources for those affected by the Boston Marathon bombings, including access to mental health services available at the Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance. Those injured may also call the Boston Public Health Commission at 617-534-5050 to connect to help and resources. The Massachusetts Bar Association’s MBA Community Service Department is offering free legal advice to victims by calling 617-338-0695 or email communityservices@massbar.org. SOUTH END PATCH: Facebook | Twitter | E-mail Updates South End Patch
Families of Marathon Bombing Victims Could Receive $1 Million Each
One Fund Boston administrator Kenneth Feinberg led a Town Hall meeting on Monday to discuss how funds will be distributed to victims of the Boston Marathon bombings. Feinberg, who helped distribute the private funds for victims of 9/11, the Aurora, CO theater shooting and the Virginia Tech shooting, said the final protocol for fund distribution will be completed by May 15. The One Fund Boston currently has $ 28 million pledged, with $ 11 million in cash, Feinberg said in a publicly broadcast meeting from the Copley Public Library. Feinberg reiterated that it was possible the families of the four victims could be given a million dollars. Initial protocol listed different levels of compensation for double and single amputees. “Whatever we do with this fund is inadequate. Lower your expectations of this fund. If you had a billion you wouldn’t have enough money to … compensate people,” Feinberg said. Claims will be accepted from May 15 to June 15. From June 16 to the end of June, Feinberg and his six assistants will determine who is eligible. “Actual checks will go out to people who have proven claims on June 30,” Feinberg said. In attendance Monday were members of the Massachusetts Bar Association offering free legal advice to those seeking claims. Feinberg said emergency funds will be granted to claimants for initial claims, while victims provide things such as doctor bills to bring their claim up to protocol. Feinberg said there have already been “a couple 100” claims submitted through the OneFundBoston site. Individuals can also call 855-617-3683 (FUND) for more information. On June 30, an independent audit will begin to look at how much money was received and how much was given out. The audit will be made public. How much money was individually given and to whom will not be made public, he said. “The fund will continue. I’m sure there will be more money after June 30 that will come into the fund,” Feinberg said. A second town hall meeting was to take place on Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. at the Copley Library and was available by webcast. Feinberg held an open discussion on the protocol for victims to receive money, but he stated his missive clearly. “The mayor has been clear. The mayor has been clear. Get the money out. Our mission at One Fund Boston is to get you your money,” he said. South End Patch