Posts tagged "Votes"

Candidates Defend Iraq War Votes, Campaign Ads Aplenty

The Democratic candidates for Senate this week talked about the war in Iraq, launched more television ads, opened regional and local campaign offices and continued to get the word out as the April 30 primary draws near. This past week marked the 10-year anniversary of the start of the Iraq war, and with a hotly contested U.S. Senate Primary just over a month away, both Congressmen seeking the Democratic nomination found themselves defending their votes. Democratic opponents Congressmen Stephen Lynch (D-South Boston) and Edward Markey (D-Malden) both voted to use force in Iraq, but the two Senate candidates disagreed on a vote the following year to approve $ 87.5 billion to fund the war. reports that Lynch voted for the funding package and also voted for four bills between 2004 and 2006 partly to fund the war, while Markey voted no on the funding package and was opposed to the bills. At a 10th anniversary event last week,, reported that Lynch said he voted the way he did because he wanted to make sure the U.S. operation in Iraq had what it needed to be successful and to bring the troops home safely and as soon as possible. Meet Write-In Candidate Brett Rhyne This week Patch caught up with Needham resident and Democratic write-in candidate Brett Rhyne to learn more about his write-in campaign and how he thinks he will fare in the April 30 primary and beyond. Gomez Raises $ 350K for campaign Republican candidate Gabriel Gomez reportedly has raised $ 350,000 for his campaign since February. reported the former Navy SEAL’s campaign said more than 70 percent of those contriutions were under $ 100. Lynch launches new campaign ad The latest Lynch campaign ad “I am Stephen Lynch”  hit the airwaves this week. MassDems launch Sullivan attack ad MassDems launched an attack ad against Republican candidate and former U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan this week, saying he stands with big “companies,” not with the hardworking people of Massachusetts. April 10 Deadline for Voter Registration, Party Affiliation Changes Just three weeks left to register to vote in the April 30 Senate primaries. The last day to register to vote, change a voting address or change party affiliation for the April 30 primary is Wednesday, April 10. Not sure where or how to register to vote or change party affiliation? Here’s everything you need to know, courtesy of Secretary of State Galvin’s office.   South End Patch


Posted by Massachusetts Legal Resources - March 24, 2013 at 12:29 pm

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